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Contact: Manager Xu

Phone: 1884264888

Phone: 0412-3388836

Website: en.lnqhnh.com

Business address: East of Zhongtai Village, Bali Town, Haicheng City, Anshan City, Liaoning Province

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  • What are the refractory raw material reburned...

    TIME:03.09.2020 16:06:07 Re-burned magnesia has refractory properties and is very beneficial to produce refractory products. It is mainly used in the steel industry, glass, cement, and non-ferrous metallurgy industries. It...
  • There are several types of fused magnesia

    TIME:03.09.2020 16:05:02 There are three main types of fused magnesia; 1. Ordinary fused magnesia; 2. Low silicon and high calcium fused magnesia; 3. Large crystal fused magnesia; 98 fused magnesia1. Ordinary fused...
  • How is fused magnesia made?

    TIME:03.09.2020 16:03:29 Through this period of understanding, I believe that everyone is no stranger to fused magnesia, magnesia manufacturers, but these contents are not enough for customers who want to know more about...
  • What are the properties of magnesia?

    TIME:03.09.2020 16:02:18 Introduction by magnesia manufacturers Magnesia can be divided into natural magnesia, seawater magnesia or synthetic magnesia. Natural magnesia is mainly derived from natural magnesite, but due to...
  • Method for manufacturing fused magnesium by...

    TIME:03.09.2020 16:00:26 The traditional magnesia-carbon bricks made with synthetic tar binders according to the cold mixing process harden during the tar damage process and obtain the necessary strength, thus forming...
  • What are the shortcomings in the production of...

    TIME:03.09.2020 15:56:27 Before the 1980s, in the past 30 years, the production of high-purity magnesia was mainly undertaken by Anshan Iron and Steel’s Dashiqiao Magnesium Mine. Vertical kilns of 25 cubic meters, 32 cubic...
  • Magnesium oxide manufacturers introduce the...

    TIME:03.09.2020 15:02:00 Magnesium oxide manufacturers introduced that natural magnesium hydroxide undergoes differentiation when heated (340-490 degrees) and absorbs the surface heat of the incinerator to achieve a flame...
  • What are the uses of magnesium oxide produced...

    TIME:03.09.2020 14:57:50 Magnesium oxide manufacturers introduced that after decarburization and annealing of oriented silicon steel in successive furnaces, the upper and lower surfaces of the strip steel should be evenly...
  • What are the disadvantages of the production...

    TIME:03.09.2020 14:55:06 Before the 1980s, in the past 30 years, the production of high-purity magnesia was mainly undertaken by Anshan Iron and Steel’s Dashiqiao Magnesium Mine. Vertical kilns of 25 cubic meters, 32 cubic...
  • What is the difference between fused magnesia...

    TIME:03.09.2020 14:49:36 The main raw material of fused magnesite is magnesite with a magnesium content of more than 47%, which is smelted in an electric arc furnace. The molten magnesium products have high purity, large...
  • What is the role of mid-range magnesia as a...

    TIME:03.09.2020 14:46:36 The mid-range magnesia in the steelmaking production system, including converters, electric furnaces, refining furnaces, ladle, central ladle, etc., has achieved good application effects of...
  • Application of refractory materials for...

    TIME:03.09.2020 14:41:52 Data of mid-range magnesia, aluminum silicate, cotton and other kiln refractory materials. These data have high temperature resistance, but they are not easy to transform after high temperature...
  • What is fused magnesia and what is it used for

    TIME:03.09.2020 14:30:51 The term fused magnesia may be relatively unfamiliar in our daily lives, but fused magnesia may be used in the production of our daily necessities. It is a very good refractory material. Next, we...
  • Current market situation of heavy burnt magnesia

    TIME:22.05.2019 11:40:18 At present, the heavy-burned magnesia industry market in Liaoning is still operating in a weak position. Under the influence of the epidemic, although the overall operation of the company has...
  • The price of fused magnesia stabilizes and the...

    TIME:22.05.2019 11:40:18 Recently, the domestic magnesia market has gradually stabilized and the international export market has gradually improved. Due to the impact of the epidemic, in the first half of the year, both...
  • About the introduction of magnesia

    TIME:22.05.2019 11:40:18 The market price of magnesia this week has only slightly changed compared with last week. It is not like the skyrocketing of the previous two weeks, and the current stage of re-burned magnesia...
  • The benefits of mid-range magnesia for...

    TIME:22.05.2019 11:40:18 Environmental protection of mid-range magnesia: The market plan for energy-saving and environmentally friendly refractory materials is very large. Developed countries have always attached great...

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General Manager: Manager Xu

Website: www.lnqhnh.com

Address: East of Zhongtai Village, Bali Town, Haicheng City, Anshan City, Liaoning Province

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